Saturday 3 January 2009

Asexuality- Ok let me answer

You see there have been many letters and comments sent to me and people suggested that they can have sex and still be asexual or they can masturbate and still be asexual simply because according to the definition of psychology 'they are not sexually attracted to anyone'. This is like having your cake and eating it too! You can't call yourself an asexual (and I know many people simply like to project themselves as asexuals because it's different)and still have a sex life. I never said asexuals necessarily have brain damage. I completely endorse and support asexuality and feel that we should simply understand it better. But brain problems could physiologically lead to asexuality. My problem is with the definition of asexuality. I believe psychologists have to change the definition, asexuality is about 'not having desire of sex and not practising sex' and it is not about 'not being sexually attracted to anyone'. I'm sure many psychologists who think out of the box will agree with me and there are many concepts and definitions in psychology that require a rethink and reevaluation. I'm writing these psychology articles simply to begin a discussion, debate and trigger interests in issues that have not been taken up by psychologists and this can lead to new research directions as well. Doesn't matter whether I'm right or wrong, the important thing is to begin a discussion. You can have your hate campaign against me, I don't understand why you should do it but I'm not too bothered.

Some readers have even written and asked why I post on free articles website - come on, as a writer, my aim is to get more readers..and I'm open minded about all avenues and routes through which I can reach readers